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Colt Bike Ride 2024 (Team Madrid)

4 days, 450km, 175 riders to raise funds for local charities








134 days

Your contribution has tax benefits of up to 80%


Inserción laboral Educación Jóvenes Refugiados

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Published: 30 Apr 2024

We are back with our Colt Bike Ride!

Our biggest fundraising event brings people together for a common goal: raising money for great causes with a challenging bike ride.

Over the past eight rides, we've raised €1.2 million for charities globally.

This time 175 riders from across the globe will take part in the event.

During 4 days, from the 6th to 9th of September they will cycle 450 km from Brussels to Dusseldorf to raise funds for our local charity partners.

In Madrid, our participants will support Cibervoluntarios: non-profit organisation active in Madrid. Together with their network of volunteers they support elder people to break the digital breach.

We are a Spanish NGO of international scope focused on promoting an inclusive digital transition and eliminating the digital divide. We believe in technology as the lever to eliminate all inequalities, strengthen rights, and improve opportunities and quality of life for all people. We especially address people in a situation of digital vulnerability, such as senior people, women, SMEs, self-employed people and entrepreneurs, the rural population, migrants, people with disabilities, minors and small entities and NGOs.

For the elder, the aim is to give them confidence and security when using the Internet so that they can improve their personal autonomy and have an active ageing. In these free workshops, they learn how to use digital tools to communicate, carry out administrative tasks online and keep active thanks to entertainment applications.

Find out more here

Thanks for your support !!

La Misión de Fundación Cibervoluntarios es conseguir que todas las personas tengan, por igual, la oportunidad de acceder, conocer y utilizar la tecnología como un medio para paliar brechas sociales, generar innovación social y empoderamiento en la ciudadanía.

Facilitamos la adquisición de competencias digitales a miles de personas cada año de forma cercana, sencilla, práctica y gratuita. Nos dirigimos especialmente a las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad digital, como personas mayores, mujeres, pymes, personas autónomas y emprendedoras, población rural, migrantes, personas con discapacidad, menores y pequeñas entidades y ONG. Creemos en la tecnología como la palanca para eliminar todas las desigualdades, fortalecer los derechos y mejorar las oportunidades y la calidad de vida de todas las personas.

Somos pioneros en la creación y gestión de una nueva forma de voluntariado. Somos la única red de voluntariado tecnológico del mundo enfocada en transformar la vida de las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad digital. Para conseguirlo, contamos con una red de más de 4.000 personas cibervoluntarias y colaboramos con más de 2.500 organizaciones para poder llegar a cualquier punto de España.

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